Job role : internship
Location: Hyderabad
Skills: aircraft maintinance engineer,aeronautical engineer,data support.

Process Associate :
Should be well aware of Computer usage: Windows, MS
Excel, MS Word, Internet
Navigation, emails, Online Application Usage, basic
Database concepts etc. and should
possess Good Communication / Written/Analytical Skills. Data Content: Includes the Maintenance Log Entries / Tech Logs/Work Card Forms/
Service Tags / Certificate of Release to Service / Engine
Condition Trend Monitoring Data / Test Data Sheets / Regulatory Authority Issued Forms/
Maintenance Manuals/ Airworthiness Directives/Service Bulletins etc.
Primary Job: Should check the various Data Contents described above and use/process the
Data for specific Tasks of Models and/or Profiles of an
Aircraft viz., Airframe / Engines/ Propellers / APU.
Job includes several steps e.g., Collection of Data Files
from various Sources, Processing,
Applications Usage, Monitoring, Quality Consciousness and
Collection of Data: The Data files should be accessed from
Online/local network shared
drive/ftp site or assigned through mail.
Processing: Data Processing Service includes Data Entry / Data Conversion / Data Analysis
& Processing both Online/Offline following certain guidelines that are part of the work
It includes working in Online Applications viz., different CAMP Web Based Applications,
Regulatory Web Sites and Manufacturer Web Sites as well as working Offline or combined
together and requires to Enroll the Data / Update the Data/ Upload Download /Create
Tasks/Edit Tasks / Validate the Data etc.
The Data needs to be analyzed for proper segregation of Data and identify the nature of work and then pick the data from source files and process it.
Applications Usage: There are several Applications in the
form of Web Application/ Software/Tools available both Online/Offline that
facilitates processing of Data Files.
Monitoring/Tracking: The Processed Data Files needs to be monitored for requisite status
indication of work progress. Quality Consciousness: The processing of Data itself involves quality consciousness with
accuracy and should meet the requisite Quality criteria
based on the accomplished nature of work and defined standards. Reporting: The Data Files that are processed and the work
done should be tracked and reported in requisite Reports/Databases both Online/Offline
and should report to the Leader
of the Group in which the particular work is being handled. Skills: aircraft maintinance engineer,aeronautical engineer,data support