At any age, maintaining good health is important, but for senior citizens, doing so is especially crucial for living a long, fulfilling, and active life. Here is a brief guide on staying healthy as you get older.
1. Remind yourself to obtain regular checkups and any recommended screenings:
Compared to children, adults have around 10% fewer annual encounters with medical professionals, according to studies. Although it may not come as a surprise, wellness checks are crucial. With the advancement of wellness checks, doctors may now discover preventive steps that will keep you healthy and save you money.
Check out the following for further details on what to anticipate from an adult well visit:
Adults Should Visit the Doctor Just as Frequently
What Exactly Is a Yearly Wellness Exam?
Remember to get the breast, colon, and prostate cancer screenings that are advised in addition to your yearly physical.
2. Engage in physical activity:
It can be simple to come up with justifications as you age to allow oneself to slow down. However, elders must exercise regularly. The amount of activity we can do and our mood can both be improved by exercise, according to Kristina Balangue, MD, a geriatrician at Banner - University Medical Center Phoenix.
Here are a few simple exercises and active lifestyle choices for everyone, regardless of fitness level:
The ideal low-impact exercise for seniors: Tai chi?
Follow These Advice to Walk Your Way to Better Health
Swimming is good for your heart and joints.
How to Maintain Muscle Strength as You Age
Remember that maintaining mental activity is just as crucial as exercising your muscles and joints. Take lessons, pick up new hobbies and talents, read, play games, and, most importantly, maintain your social connections with friends and family to keep your mind active.
3. Keep your bones strong:
Most of us don't really give our bones much thought until one fractures. However, much like other elements of your health, your bone health requires years of work. It's never too late to take care of your bones and prevent bone loss, which is good news. For "5 Tips for Keeping Your Bones Strong," read this article.
Would you like to learn more about your osteoporosis risk? Consult your physician regarding a DEXA bone density scan. You can use it to forecast your risk of fractures or osteoporosis. It is a typical screening test for women over 65.
4. Avoid letting joint pain stop you:
Sometimes, elegantly becoming older can cause discomfort in your joints. Any damage, whether brought on by illness or trauma, can limit your range of motion and wear down your entire body. Additional details on how to manage your pain and lessen symptoms are provided below:
Nine Safe Pain Management Tips
Four Ways to Stay Young at Any Age
Your Spine Loves Yoga for These 5 Reasons
It might be time for a joint replacement if pain treatment is not working. Visit to learn more about hip, knee, shoulder, and other joint replacements.
5. Consume heart-healthy food:
Everyone's main priority should be to take care of their hearts. There are simple ways to keep your heart beating for years to come, which is fantastic news. The first step is to eat a heart-healthy diet. Uncertain about where to begin?
Cholesterol Reduction Through Healthy Eating
Discover "the Skinny" on Fats: The Best, Worst, and Ugliest for You
Oils in Cooking: What You Should Know
How to Reduce Your Sodium Intake: 7 Ways
It's never too late to adopt a healthy lifestyle, strengthen your heart, and enhance your general health, even if you've already experienced a heart attack. Check out "8 Ways to Improve Your Health After a Heart Attack" for additional details.
6. Look after your eyes:
People frequently see primary care physicians, dentists, and even mental health professionals. But if you don't already use corrective glasses, are you taking good care of your eyes? To avoid eye conditions including age-related macular degeneration, cataracts, glaucoma, impaired vision, and even dry eyes, it's crucial to undergo frequent eye exams. Make a time right away for a standard eye examination.
There are also precautions you may take to safeguard your eyes, whether you're at work, home, or outdoors.One of the most crucial steps you can take to shield your eyes from ultraviolet rays and prevent permanent damage to your cornea is to wear sunglasses, even on cloudy days. Yes, sunburns can also affect your eyes.
7. Ensure that your hearing is strong and clear:
Have you ever observed that even when you can hear someone speaking, it can be difficult to understand what they are saying? Does your spouse grumble that the TV is on too loudly? Do your ears continue to ring constantly? If so, you may be suffering with hearing loss or tinnitus, a condition that is similar.
Don't let hearing loss limit your ability to go about your daily business. Make an appointment with your doctor right away to see whether using hearing aids is a good idea for you.
For further details about hearing:
Are Earbuds Endangering Your Hearing?
Three Arguments Against Cotton Swabs in the Case of Earwax Cochlear Implants: A Gift of Sound
8. Maintain a spring in your step:
Your feet and ankles are always under tension, which can sometimes cause inflammation, pain, and restricted range of motion. Maintaining an active lifestyle requires caring for your feet and donning the proper footwear.
Check out these articles for more advice on how to maintain your spring in your step if you have foot, ankle, or heel pain:
Your feet may overpronate or underpronate. Here are some tips on how to identify bunions and how to treat them. Are Counter Insoles Useful or Wasteful?
Keep Your Hope Alive Despite Heel Pain
9. Organize and safeguard your drug collection:
You might need to take various medications to treat various medical conditions, particularly as you age. It's crucial to frequently evaluate your prescriptions with your pharmacist and medical professional to make sure everything is essential and to look for any potential drug interactions.
Learn more about how to administer your drugs safely:
The Top Indicators That You May Be Taking Too Many Medicines
Why You Should Never Throw Away That Medication Package: The Importance of Taking Your Medications as Recommended Do you have diabetes? insert It can be difficult to manage your prescriptions and insulin at the same time. "6 Medication Safety Tips for Older Adults with Diabetes" are provided below.
10. Take some time to relax:
Why does sound sleep get harder to come by as we age? According to studies, 50% of Americans over the age of 65 experience sleep issues. As we age, not getting enough sleep at night can also result in additional health issues like a higher chance of falling and daytime weariness.
Dr. Joyce Lee-Iannotti, a neurologist and sleep expert at Banner Health in Phoenix, offers these 10 suggestions for a more restful sleep to help you get the rest you need. You should schedule a consultation with a Banner Health doctor to discover a solution if you have tried Dr. Lee-advice Iannotti's but are still having trouble falling asleep.